Hi there all you guys! Thank you all for visiting my blog while I have been out of sorts. I am back on track again now, doing ok again with my walking. I am back in hydrotherapy twice a week again now to help build up my muscles and help get me stronger. I will be staying at twice and sometimes maybe even three times a week at least until after my hip replacement which will be in about 10 months time.
Here I am again swimming like a fish in Hydrotherapy on Saturday.
Mum has also been doing ACUPRESSURE on me to help with pain on bad days, it's greeeeaaat and has been a great help to me. I will be adding a page on Acupressure in case any of you want to give it a try. It's great for Hip Dysplasia/Arthritis and many more conditions. It is extremely safe, but should not be used on any pets with cancer or for wounds and infections. Watch out for my page in a few days, it will explain more.
I'm off to hydrotherapy again in the morning wheeeee!
Mum has also bought me Wheat Bags to warm my hips and joints. Before I go for my walks though best of all I like it when she puts the hairdryer on me and massages my back and hips to get the blood circulating properly through the muscles. This helps me to walk better so I can walk further now, which is great.
Well thanks again to all of you that have visited my blog and left all your lovely comments and well wishes, they mean sooooo much to me.
Lotsa Licks