Welcome to my blog....This is where I will be posting about all the things that go on in my doggy world, The World Of Lil Ole' Me "Casper Bear" @ Home. I will be sharing photos, information and anything else I find fun and interesting. Remember, I am a DOG!! Take a look at all my pages - links in the sidebar. If you like my doggy blog, please leave a comment or become a follower.

Licks & Slobbers

Casper Bear

Caspers' Furriends

Wednesday, 9 May 2012


My Mum has been busy painting/drawing again lately, the bears have gone on hold for the time being. I thought you might like to have a look at a couple of pastel portraits that she has done this last week or so. She is doing four for a lady, 2 West Highland Terriers - "Alfie" and "Lilly" and two cats  - "Thomas" a white/tabby shorthair male and "Smudge" a black/white longhair male. She has completed two so far "Alfie" and "Thomas" which you can see below. They have now been matted and framed.



I will add "Lilly" and "Smudge" here on my blog when they are also finished, matted and framed. Please leave a comment as my Mum would love your opinions.

Updated with "LILLY"

and "SMUDGE"

Catch ya' all later.

Lotsa Licks

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

My Second "GOTCHA DAY"

Today is my Second "GOTCHA DAY". I came to live with my family two years ago today and I am a very happy puppy.

Me relaxing on my special day!

Lotsa Licks