Welcome to my blog....This is where I will be posting about all the things that go on in my doggy world, The World Of Lil Ole' Me "Casper Bear" @ Home. I will be sharing photos, information and anything else I find fun and interesting. Remember, I am a DOG!! Take a look at all my pages - links in the sidebar. If you like my doggy blog, please leave a comment or become a follower.

Licks & Slobbers

Casper Bear

Caspers' Furriends

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

A Strain!!

I have been unwell with my hip dysplasia the past few weeks so I have not been around much. I have been limping and have lost some muscle tone but Never fear, Casper Bear is back! We were supposed to be on holiday at our caravan this week but Mum didn't take us because I am still limping a bit so she thought it would be best to stay near home for now. We may go next week if my limp has gone. The vet thinks I have a strain. I  was playing with Megan a bit mad recently so that could be when it happened. I'm being much quieter now. I am not supposed to run and bomp about but sometimes it hard not too, I am only young and it isn't easy not to play too hard sometimes.
I am just off for my walk down the country park, only a short one. The funny thing is I don't seem to limp when I am out on my walks.

Having a nap before my walk...
Mums' always tripping over me on this rug, you can see why, I blend really well don't I bol.

See ya all later!!

Lotsa Licks


  1. Hey Casper Bear, you need to rest that hip so it feels better. Good to take some slow walks but no rough housing:) You look so beautiful on that rug - your gorgeous shiny furs blend well.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  2. Hope you feel better soon, Casper! Rest up!

    Your pal, Pip

  3. Take it easy, my friend! Rest is the best!

  4. Hey Casper Bear! We are sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well. We hope your next update will say that you are feeling much better :)

  5. Take care Casper Bear!!!
    Sending lots of licks, sniffs, and healing thoughts!
    Zack, Sassy and Buddy

  6. Thank you sooo much everyone!! Much appreciated!!
    Lotsa Licks
    Casper Bear

  7. Take it easy, Casper. We want you better soon!
    We can see why your mom trips over you!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  8. Hey Casper! Glad to hear that you're getting better now. I missed you :)

    Love ya,
    Jon Terry


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Licks and Slobbers
Casper Bear