Welcome to my blog....This is where I will be posting about all the things that go on in my doggy world, The World Of Lil Ole' Me "Casper Bear" @ Home. I will be sharing photos, information and anything else I find fun and interesting. Remember, I am a DOG!! Take a look at all my pages - links in the sidebar. If you like my doggy blog, please leave a comment or become a follower.

Licks & Slobbers

Casper Bear

Caspers' Furriends

Monday, 21 March 2011

Happy Spring Everyone!!

Spring is definetly with us!

The daffodils are blooming, the swans are on the lake and everything is just fine! Mum took us to feed the swans on the lake the other day, it was lovely and warm. Mmmhhh, I did think the swans were a bit scary though, especially when one chased me bol. There were loads of them. The ducks were much nicer, and smaller. I made Mum promise she would not post the photo of me running walking away before it hurt me itself. Nice birdie!!

Lotsa Licks


  1. Hello casper I came by to say hello and thanks for visiting me. I just love visitors and although I am a kitty I have lots of woofie friends.. Hugs GJ xx

  2. Those swans are pretty, but they can be mighty scary. Be careful!

    Your pal, Pip

  3. Hi Casper Bear - nice to meet you. Thanks for visiting our blog. You are very beautiful. We have to read some more to see if you are a girl or a boy dog so we use the right adjective. But beautiful works for both, right?

    Better be careful of those feathered creatures, you never know when they are going to snap at your tail.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  4. Happy Spring to you, Casper! Spring looks beautiful. Looking forward to see more pictures of spring.

  5. Our swan Dauby would never hurt you, Casper Bear. She's a nice bird!
    Your daffies are so cheerful.

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  6. Wow.. lovely daffodils... and where's the cute lil chocolate face of yours in Spring :)

  7. Hey Casper!
    It looks like you have a great time by the lake. Those daffodils sure are pretty.

    Love ya,
    Jon Terry

  8. Your Spring looks like fun. We're having fun playing in lots of leaves now. Mum says it's autumn and it'll soon be winter and it will get colder. Brrrrrr.

    Mum says be careful of those swans. She remembers when she was a little people and a swan bit her on the hand when she was feeding it. Grrrrrrrr.

    Ruvvv Kuri


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Licks and Slobbers
Casper Bear