Welcome to my blog....This is where I will be posting about all the things that go on in my doggy world, The World Of Lil Ole' Me "Casper Bear" @ Home. I will be sharing photos, information and anything else I find fun and interesting. Remember, I am a DOG!! Take a look at all my pages - links in the sidebar. If you like my doggy blog, please leave a comment or become a follower.

Licks & Slobbers

Casper Bear

Caspers' Furriends

Wednesday, 2 February 2011


I am soooo sad!!
My good friend "HONEY" has to have an operation on Friday 4th February to remove an eye due to "lens luxation".

"Honey" before her eyes got bad
She has been to see an eye specialist who says she is already blind in the one eye and that the eye cannot be saved so it is being removed on Friday. Unfortunately Honeys' other eye is also being affected, the lens has started to slip in that one too. She is having treatment to try and stop the lens slipping in the good eye and if all fails she will have to have a second operation to remove the lens in the good eye. This will make her long-sighted but still able to see.
Poor Honey!! She is sooo pretty and such a sweet dog.
Honey lives with my human sister Amanda. She is a good friend!!
Life can seem so unfair at times.
I will let you know how Honey gets on.

Lotsa Licks


  1. Life is so unfair. We are sending many wishes and prayers to Honey.
    Love Ruby & Penny

  2. How awful for Honey, Casper Bear. Live can be so hard sometimes.

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  3. Honey will be in our thoughts and prayers! We hope she has a successful eye surgery and a speedy recovery.

  4. Thank you guys!! I will let you know how Honey gets on.
    Lotsa Licks
    Casper Bear


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Licks and Slobbers
Casper Bear