Welcome to my blog....This is where I will be posting about all the things that go on in my doggy world, The World Of Lil Ole' Me "Casper Bear" @ Home. I will be sharing photos, information and anything else I find fun and interesting. Remember, I am a DOG!! Take a look at all my pages - links in the sidebar. If you like my doggy blog, please leave a comment or become a follower.

Licks & Slobbers

Casper Bear

Caspers' Furriends

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Daisy Has Arrived!!

We have a new member to our family, DAISY JANE, who was born on 19th January at 6.29pm and weighed 8lbs 13ozs.
Daisy was just a few seconds old when my human sister Catherine took this photograph. Mmhhh, looks a bit noisy to me bol!
Here's Daisy again (4 days old) with my Mums' Grandaughter "Katie Rose", who is now 16months old. Awhh, I do love Katie, she's a Sweetypie! She loves to play with me and is sooooo gentle! She lives with her Mummy and Daddy and their two Chinese Shar-Pei, Oscar and Honey, so she is well used to dogs, they love her too!
Gosh, are they gonna make some noise! Where's the earplugs Mum???
Daisy will be living with two Westhighland Terriers, Alfie and Lilly. Wonder if I should offer to lend them my earplugs?
See ya all soon!
Lotsa Licks


  1. Congrats on the new addition! The pictures are very cute.

  2. Get your earplugs out Casper Bear cos I am gonna be singing too bol!
    Princess Kisses
    Your Sister

  3. Alls I can say is AWWWWWWWWE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats on da new babe! I has a girl of my own so I knows how it is...LOUD but oh so loved.


  4. Congratulations on your new addition! Babies do sometimes make noise, but they sure are adorable and bring so much joy.

    Your pal, Pip

  5. Daisy doesn't look too happy to have the flashie beast in her face!
    She's just beautiful, Casper Bear! Congratulatiolns!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  6. Awww cute girls. Congrats to all!


  7. Congrats that you have a new member in the family. Awww...Katie looks so sweet and cute hugging Daisy. Looks like you would need all the earplugs since your cheeky sis Megan is joining in the singing too.....hahahahahaha

    Love ya,
    Jon Terry

  8. Congrats on the new member of the family! The girls are adorable!


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Licks and Slobbers
Casper Bear